Public still none the wiser on Executive plans after staged press conference: O’Toole

matthew o'toole Programme for Government

The Executive has still not provided a clear set of governmental plans and targets after its heavily publicised meeting to agree outline aspirations, Leader of the Opposition Matthew O’Toole has said.

After a meeting to agree the overall aspirations in the Programme for Government, Executive ministers held a press conference for waiting media but without the publication of an actual document or any clear indication of specific targets or actions.
The outline agreement comes after more than seven months of delay from the restored Executive and after dozens of non-binding motions from Executive parties.
Matthew O’Toole MLA said:
“Once again, the Executive has proved adept at PR but deficient at clarity or delivery. Today’s announcement contained no specific targets or actions but rather a press conference in which Executive parties patted one another on the back for agreeing on broad aspirations.
“The public might have expected more clarity not just on vague aspiration but what exactly the Executive intends to do, how and when. What is the target for reducing waiting lists, how will that target be achieved and when can patients expect to see meaningful improvements in the failing health service.
“Until the Executive gets into this level of detail and clarity, after years of collapse and dysfunction, they cannot expect the public to trust this as-yet-unpublished Programme for Government, They cannot expect to be hailed as heroes for simply agreeing vague aspirations. Less waffle, more delivery is needed.”
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