Holy Cross PS win SDLP COP26 climate competition

climate crisis cara hunter cop26

SDLP Climate Champion Cara Hunter has chosen Holy Cross Primary School, Kilkeel as the winners of the party’s COP26 climate competition.

The school’s P6/P7 class submitted a video urging Stormont politicians to take the climate crisis seriously.

East Derry MLA Cara Hunter said:

“These young people have creatively challenged political leaders by demanding action on the climate crisis through song and dance. They have demanded proper investment to fund initiatives to protect our planet for future generations. These pupils also expressed their support for increased use of renewable energy and urged action to stop deforestation. I was impressed by their knowledge and their determination to make the world a better place.

“Holy Cross have certainly got my attention and the SDLP wants to showcase this message loud and clear both at COP and in the Assembly to make sure that the next generation get the action they are demanding.

“Young voices are going to be key as we work to change the way we live to safeguard our planet. If everyone were as engaged as the pupils at Holy Cross we would be in a much better place. I hope we can reach an agreement at COP26 that protects the future for all our young people.”

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