SDLP Policing Board member Mark H Durkan has said the loss of over 300 police officers will have a significant impact on policing in the North.
The PSNI will also lose over 100 support staff due to budgetary pressures.
Mr Durkan called for the British government to step in and ensure proper funding for the PSNI.
Foyle MLA Mr Durkan said:
“Policing has come a long way, it has been a major achievement of the last 25 years and those gains should be carefully guarded. The confirmation of cuts to numbers and services in the coming year - with the risk of more to follow in future years is deeply worrying for policing and for society generally.
“This confirms both the urgency of the restoration of government in Belfast and a big change of approach from London. The New Decade New Approach agreement contained a commitment to 7,500 officers and instead of reaching that number we are getting further and further away.
“While I have no doubt the PSNI will do their best to mitigate these cuts they will inevitably result in criminals evading justice and the impact on victims of crime being compounded because of the lack of officers available.
“The effective operation of the rule of law is pivotal in NI, for the safety of citizens and our community and for managing any instability, be it current or emerging. This requires a special funding measure from London which holds the purse strings. This is what the SDLP calls for and without delay."