Durkan: PSNI recruitment key to keeping communities safe

policing mark h durkan

SDLP Policing Board member Mark H Durkan has said that recruiting more PSNI officers is key to keeping local communities safe.

He was speaking following the launch of a PSNI recruitment campaign on Wednesday.

Foyle MLA Mr Durkan said:

“That PSNI officer numbers have been allowed to drop to an all-time low is a matter of real concern and the impact of that is being felt in our local communities every day. At New Decade, New Approach we agreed that the PSNI should have at least 7,500 officers and we have instead gone backwards, with the need for more officers likely far greater given increases in our population.

“The reduction in officer numbers has particularly hit our neighbourhood policing teams, meaning there are less officers on the ground, engaging with local communities and keeping people safe. This impacts community confidence in policing, which has been a dealt a number of blows in recent years following high-profile incidents and errors of judgement within the police service itself.

“The Executive must ensure we have a properly resourced police force so that they can carry out their basic duties. The tendency from Executive parties to blame shift in matters related to policing has been regrettable and does not serve our police service or the public well.

“When recruiting new officers there is also a need to make sure that we are creating a police service that reflects the communities it represents. Over a quarter of a century on from the Patten report we are still making little headway in recruiting officers from the nationalist community, and indeed other minority communities now living in the North. I understand that the blame for this does not lie solely with our police service, but they should be doing more to reach out to all sections of our society.”


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