Hanna: Westminster inquiry will highlight need to protect journalistic freedoms

claire hanna Press freedom

SDLP Leader Claire Hanna MP has said a Westminster inquiry will examine attempts by the PSNI and others to impede the work of journalists and the free press.

The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee will begin their inquiry into PSNI surveillance of journalists and legal representatives on Wednesday. The inquiry was proposed by Ms Hanna.

The witnesses will include Trevor Birney, Barry McCaffrey, Seamus Dooley, Malachi O’Doherty, Allison Morris and Paul Tweed. The inquiry will also focus on the key areas of police surveillance, threats faced by journalists and Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPPs).

Commenting on the inquiry Claire Hanna MP stated:

“The Investigatory Powers Tribunal judgement achieved by Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey was an important moment when it comes to press freedom and ensured the PSNI and wider UK police forces were reminded that a free press is a foundation of any democracy.

“There can be no reduction of journalistic freedoms such as the ‘protection of a source’ and we will not see it rode rough shod over in an effort to send a chill factor to investigatory journalists throughout the UK and Ireland, or to the exposure of collusion. This inquiry is also an opportunity to put on the record the pressures journalists in Northern Ireland face, from PSNI surveillance to death threats and other forms of online abuse.

“The use of SLAPPs against journalists and public commentators by political parties to stifle debate or silence critics will also come under the committee’s microscope. While politicians might not like the media commentary they receive at times, it is important and reasonable that fair debate has its place and no single party is allowed to use legal action to control media narrative or to intimidate specific journalists.

“It’s key we take this opportunity to shine a spotlight on these unsavoury practices and stand up for a free press across these islands.”

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