Mallon secures Climate Summit for NI

climate climate crisis environment biodiversity climate summit cop26 nichola mallon

Social Democratic and Labour Party Deputy Leader and Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has secured support at the Executive for the convening of a Climate Summit ahead of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference “COP26” to be held in Glasgow in October.

Ms Mallon said:


“The Climate Crisis needs our immediate attention and urgent intervention. We cannot sit back and allow this dangerous drift to continue. An radical response is needed from all leaders across the globe to protect our planet and our people.


“This week the United Nations published its IPCC report which stark findings concluded the climate crisis is code red for humanity.


“While some work is being done, not enough is being done quickly enough. We need to act now. The SDLP isn’t sitting back, we are stepping up. SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood has a bill before Westminster pressing for radical action and robust targets to address the crisis. Today I proposed at the Executive to convene a Climate Summit ahead of COP26. We need a plan and governments around the world need to step up and work together.


“Having received support for my proposal, I will be working to ensure all departments work together so we can use the Climate Summit to develop an action plan to deal with the immediate crisis. We as leaders need to support our society through this time of crisis and we need to make our voices heard at COP26 on the global stage.”

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