McGrath: Public’s commitment to restrictions working

Chairman of Stormont’s Executive Office Committee Colin McGrath MLA has said that the public’s commitment to Covid-19 restrictions is paying off and providing the Executive with options to relax some regulations.

The South Down MLA paid tribute to those who have put the needs of their community first and the healthcare heroes who have made the vaccination programme so successful.


Colin McGrath MLA said:


“The public’s commitment to the Covid-19 regulations over the course of a very difficult winter and spring has really paid off and as a result, the Executive now has more options when it comes to easing restrictions over the next few weeks. We are by no means on the home stretch but the dedication of people who have put the needs of their community ahead of themselves has been inspiring and should be recognised by all of us.


“We all need to remain vigilant and follow the restrictions which remain in place. But I know that the opportunity to take part in structured sport or join another household for a chat in the garden will be a huge comfort to many who have made big sacrifices over the last few months.


“We also owe an immense debt to our health service heroes who have made the vaccination programme so successful. Thanks to their dedication, and the work of individuals like Patricia Donnelly, we are in a much better place than we would otherwise have been.”

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