McLaughlin secures commitment for Childcare Strategy deadline

childcare Sinéad McLaughlin

SDLP Economy Spokesperson Sinéad McLaughlin MLA has said that the Education Minister must deliver a Childcare Strategy which is accompanied by an adequate and ambitious funding plan.

She was speaking after the Assembly passed a motion which was amended by the SDLP Opposition to include a specific deadline for the publication of an Early Learning and Childcare Strategy.

Foyle MLA Ms McLaughlin said:

“The costs of childcare are still putting parents and providers under severe pressure across Northern Ireland. Whilst some support has been provided through the introduction of the Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy Scheme, we are still without a Childcare Strategy and parents are paying the price.

"Childcare is not an issue which can be dealt with through reactive policy decisions. If we are to truly get to grips with the crisis parents face, then we must see a more considered and pragmatic approach to childcare which requires long term support rather than short term interventions.

“For the first time, childcare is included as a standalone priority in the draft Programme for Government. This is a welcome signal of intent but it is now time for the Executive to replace warm words with serious action. The Executive is in a difficult financial situation, but there are steps it can take to help support the delivery of a strategy which delivers for parents, providers and registered childminders, such as the full ring fencing of Barnett consequentials.

"Today in the Assembly, the DUP tried to use the issue of childcare as an opportunity to criticise another Minister. Such a motion does nothing to make meaningful progress on an issue that is the responsibility of the whole Executive. Parents don’t want to see political point scoring, they want to see their childcare fees being lowered."

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