O’Toole: Report spells out Executive failure to deliver

matthew o'toole Executive

SDLP Leader of the Opposition Matthew O’Toole MLA has said that a new report shows how the Executive has failed to deliver since the return of the Stormont institutions.

Mr O’Toole was speaking after think tank Pivotal published a report into the first seven months of the restored Executive.

He said the report echoes many of the issues raised by the SDLP Opposition.

South Belfast MLA Mr O’Toole said:

“Today’s report from Pivotal backs up what the SDLP Opposition team have been saying since the return of the institutions in February. Not only has the Executive failed to publish a Programme for Government spelling out its plans to rescue our failing public services and improve life for people across Northern Ireland, it has also shirked many of the big decisions that has come its way and passed the buck at every opportunity.

“There have been positives since the Executive’s return in the form of improved relations between the parties and the stability that will hopefully bring, but photo opportunities and meaningless motions are not enough after three years without a government. These Executive parties promised the public that they would get to grips with the important issues when Stormont returned and they have so far utterly failed to do so.

“The Executive faces a difficult financial situation, but that cannot be an excuse for their failure to take responsibility and outline plans to save our failing health service, support parents struggling with childcare and help people on huge housing waiting lists. Nobody is expecting a miracle, but the Executive needs to take some responsibility for their lack of delivery and immediately outline how they are going to deal with the mounting issues facing the North.”

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