South Belfast SDLP are hosting an online public meeting with the Glider phase 2 project team about the ongoing route options consultation, which Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon launched at the beginning of August.
Glider will be will be a welcome boost to the area. For too long South Belfast has seen an unsustainable level of traffic congestion, a high level of commuter parking and increasing levels of air pollution. Glider will reduce this dramatically and have the knock-on effect of being beneficial for our local environment, with more people availing of public transport and less vehicle emissions.
In order to ensure our community has its voice heard on the route consultation SDLP South Belfast have organised this virtual meeting with officials from Translink and the Belfast Rapid Transit project team. This will be an opportunity for our local community to see the proposals and pose questions about the proposed route.
You can access more information about the consultation, including the proposed route options and how to reply by visiting
The closing date for response is October 4th 2021.