SDLP urges DUP to get back to work

dup Colin McGrath Executive

SDLP Chief Whip Colin McGrath MLA has confirmed that the party’s Stormont representatives have signed a petition to recall the Assembly to facilitate the nomination of a Speaker and Ministers.

The South Down MLA said that the DUP cannot hold our entire society to ransom while hospital waiting lists grow, energy bills surge and people struggle to make ends meet.

Colin McGrath MLA said:

“SDLP MLAs have signed a petition to recall the Assembly on Monday to restore power sharing. While others have boycotted the institutions of the Good Friday Agreement, our team is ready to get back to work to address the challenges facing people in all of our communities.

“The DUP cannot hold our entire society to ransom while sick people are forced to wait longer than ever for hospital treatment, while families struggle to keep the heating on and feed their kids because energy bills are soaring and while inflation is making it impossible for working people to make ends meet. It is immoral.

“Jeffrey Donaldson should instruct his MLAs to support the nomination of an Assembly Speaker and a deputy First Minister. It is time for the DUP to abandon their abstention from the institutions of the Good Friday Agreement and get back to work.”

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